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Events 2022


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Teamspeak 3

  • Hallo erstmal....
    • Boxengasse
      • pCars 2
        • AMS 2
          • MBB ACC Wagen 1
            • MBB ACC Wagen 2
              • Truckers United
                • F1 2020
                  • R3E
                    • R6S
                      • Etharial
                    • Lawerecke
                      • AFK
                        • Büro

                          Wer ist Online

                          Gäste: 29
                          Mitglieder: 1



                          Stand: 2024-06-14 20:01:19

                          Website Geschwindigkeit

                          Min.:0.025 Sek.
                          Ø:0.043 Sek.
                          Max.:8.769 Sek.

                          Min.:0.025 Sek.
                          Ø:0.04 Sek.
                          Max.:8.769 Sek.

                          Min.:0.024 Sek.
                          Ø:0.04 Sek.
                          Max.:8.809 Sek.

                          Stand: 2024-06-14 19:59:02

                          Top oder Flop?

                          Mein Racing Cockpit
                          * **
                          Forum - Malzbierbude
                          Willkommen, Gast
                          Bitte anmelden oder registrieren.    Passwort vergessen?
                          Aw: My first Event! (1 Leser) (1) Gast
                          Zum Ende gehen Neues Thema Beliebt: 0
                          THEMA: Aw: My first Event!
                          DFAlex (Admin)
                          Mädchen für alles!
                          Registriert seit
                          2015-05-07 00:12:00
                          Neuester Beitrag
                          2024-06-12 10:30:55
                          Beiträge: 4107
                          Benutzer offline Hier klicken, um das Profil dieses Benutzers zu sehen
                          Aw: My first Event! vor 8 Jahren, 4 Monaten  

                          Hello, friends of the virtual motor sport,
                          have you not already thought sometimes, och why this car, or why not this track?

                          Then is with it now an end!

                          At this point we would like to offer You the opportunity, [B]yours[/b] events to present/plan!

                          What do you need in addition?

                          An appointment, looks in addition in racing calendar whether in your desirable appointment still what is free.

                          car or a class.

                          One or several tracks on those you want to go.
                          If follows please some tracks layouts have no pits!

                          With it have her your bases already in the pocket, now we come to the basic conditions...

                          Number of the rounds, or length of the running in time.

                          Is there before a training, Quali or Warmup? If so, how long?

                          Standard set-up, or Freely adjustable?

                          Duty boxing masthead?

                          Ripe wear? How high? Realistically, x1, x2... etc....

                          Fuel consumption? on/off?

                          Which driving facilities should be activated? ABS, TC or SC, Should be "forced" they?

                          Damage model? Only optically, Achievement-kneading, or Completely?

                          Mechanical mistakes? yes/no

                          Should the flags and penalitys be active? yes/no

                          Weather and time...

                          There are max. 4 slots of the weather division per running, everybody can be booked with the most different weather kind, because this setting can partially break the banks in a science for itself, I would be getting light suggest it on Wet or Dry, Sunny or cloudy, or darkness/crossing,
                          to limit for the beginning who would like to make the work to himself to plan a complete weather course, this may act Of course with pleasure!
                          It can be given the weather course as well as the simulation time from simply/Real to 10-fold acceleration. By combination of both variables magnificent effects are achievable!

                          Load but leases, you should think up a name and who would like to paint a poster in addition. Both can be also put.

                          Here with the help of the beginner's event #3, an example should be which data in the input post:

                          Fahrzeug/Car/Class: LMP 900
                          Strecke/track: Sakitto sprint

                          Datum/date: 01/02/2016
                          Training: 19.30 Uhr / UTC 18:30 Uhr
                          Qualifying: 15 min.
                          Warmup: 5 min.
                          Rennstart/Race: ~20:05 o'clock
                          Runden/Laps: 20
                          In-Game-Startzeit/In-game-start-time: 14:00 o'clock
                          Wetter/Weather: Klar/Nice
                          Reifen/Tyres: x1
                          Zeit/time: x1
                          Assists: ABS, TC, SC.
                          Standard set-up only.

                          Of course the team of the MBB is available any time with words and deeds!

                          Remains to me only on Active part name to hope and to wish You a lot of fun by the planning of your first event MBB!

                          If you have any question, feel free to post it here.


                          Translated with Online- Translator
                          Moderator informieren   Gespeichert Gespeichert  
                          Letzte Änderung: 29.01.2016 16:28 von DFAlex.
                            Kein öffentlicher Schreibzugriff erlaubt, bitte erst registrieren!
                          dieses Thema wurde angehängt thread link
                           My first Event!  - DFAlex  01/29/16 7:27 am
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                          thread linkthread link  Aw: My first Event!  - DFAlex  01/29/16 4:12 pm
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                          thread linkthread linkthread link  Aw: My first Event!  - Boandlgramer  02/02/16 9:26 am
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                          Stand: 2024-06-14 20:06:30

                          [pC2_S1] Rotation


                          [pC2_S2] Rotation


                          [pC2_S3] Sprint


                          [pC2_S4] NoS_24h


                          [pC2_S5] Formula A


                          [pC2_S6] BMW Cup


                          Neueste Persönliche Bestzeiten

                          • Punisher
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:08:25.543
                            (Ford GT LM GTE)
                            10.Jun.24 -07:23
                          • tommy120574
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:09:54.957
                            (KTM X-Bow GT4)
                            08.Jun.24 -23:58
                          • Buehlinator
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:09:10.138
                            (Porsche 911 GT3 R Endurance)
                            08.Jun.24 -23:53
                          • DocoHoernchen
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:09:16.669
                            (Porsche 911 GT3 R)
                            08.Jun.24 -23:43
                          • DocoHoernchen
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:21:05.064
                            (Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR)
                            08.Jun.24 -23:11
                          • Sam Scheud
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:08:22.776
                            (Audi 90 quattro IMSA GTO)
                            08.Jun.24 -23:04
                          • Buehlinator
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:09:49.805
                            (Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR)
                            08.Jun.24 -23:00
                          • WildWookie06
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:09:26.131
                            (Porsche 911 GT3 R Endurance)
                            08.Jun.24 -22:55
                          • gastonpombo1
                            Brands Hatch Indy: 00:00:58.677
                            (Formula Rookie)
                            08.Jun.24 -22:28
                          • CLIFFI
                            Nürburgring Combined: 00:08:30.322
                            (Ferrari 488 GTE)
                            07.Jun.24 -18:29

                          Stand: 2024-06-14 20:09:27

                          Gameserver Statistik

                          --- Neuester Fahrer ---

                          (08.Jun.24 -23:11)

                          --- Aktivster Fahrer ---

                          in Woche 24:
                          25,37 km
                          in 1 Runden

                          im Juni:
                          126,85 km
                          in 5 Runden

                          Bad Dan[me]
                          138.907,83 km
                          in 26.273 Runden

                          --- Gesamtstatistik ---

                          in Woche 24:
                          2 Fahrer
                          29,69 km
                          in 2 Runden

                          im Juni:
                          14 Fahrer
                          635,21 km
                          in 60 Runden

                          21758 Fahrer
                          2.985.633,89 km
                          in 578.725 Runden

                          Und wann schaust DU mal rein?

                          Stand: 2024-06-14 19:40:06